Chessable | Lichess | Mat i to | Mat i tre | Jobava | Kan | | Chess tactics | chesstempo | my.chessvision
- Nimzowitsch defense
- Skak-london (ny side)
- Anti-london (ny side)
- Jobava London
- Anti-Sicilian (ny side)
- Nimzo-Indian (ny side)
- English opening (ny side)
- Accelerated dragon (ny side)
- QID (ny side)
- Slutspil
- Top Aggressive Openings Against 1.d4 | Intermediate Chess Lesson
- THESE Kan Sicilian lines have an 80% WIN RATE!
- Daniel Naroditsky | Catalan |
- Alex Banzea
- Erik Rosen | Eric Rosen Extra
- ChessCoach Andras
- chessbrah
- Journey to Grandmaster
- Chess with Mustreader | Broadcast | Shorts
- GM Josh Friedel | Grandmaster tips playlist
- Robert Plunkett’s Chess Lab
- Remote Chess Academy
- Pegasus Chess
- GM Jose Gonzalez
- mortal chess
- Palm Beach Chess
- Dr. Can’s Chess Clinic
- YF chess
- GM Talks
- Hanging pawns | End games playlist | Pirc defense playlist
- John Bartholomew
- Ben Finegold
- Irina Krush
- Simple Chess Openings | Jesper Thybo
- Miodrag Perunovic
- Bortnyk Chess
- ChessDojo
- Molton
- ChessOneningsExplained
- ChessGeek
- GingerGM
- ChessBase India
- The chess nerd | 10 Levels of Tactics playlist
- ChessDawg
- Epic Chess
- GMNeiksans Chess
- Lichess videoes
- agadmator’s Chess Channel
- Magnus Carlsen
- Hikaru Nakamura
- Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Atlanta
- GJ_Chess (dirty chess tricks)
- Chessable
- Power chess
- Chess network
- thechesswebsite
- Matojelic
- GothamChess | End games playlist |
- Kingcrusher
- SL Chess Development | How to Learn Chess Openings in Less than 1 Hour!
- Jonathan Schrantz
- Saint Louis Chess Club
- Jozarov’s chess channel | Catalan playlist
- Chess Vibes
- Top 50 Chess Principles for All Levels: Beginner to Advanced | Opening, Middlegame, Endgame Concepts
- 35 Vital Chess Principles | Opening, Middlegame, and Endgame Principles – Chess Strategy and Ideas
- 15 Rules For The Endgame (Chess Ending Principles)
- Top 25 Chess Endgame Principles – Endgame Concepts, Ideas | Basic Chess Endgame Principles and Plans
- Top 18 Attacking Principles/Concepts In Chess – How To Attack Correctly – How To Sacrifice Pieces!
- 10 Ways To Use Your Knights Effectively
- 11 Ways To Use Your Bishops Effectively
- 6 Tips For Defending In Chess
- 4 Tips For Attacking In Chess
- 21 Positional Chess Concepts
- The 10 Best Chess Plans For The Middlegame – Chess Strategy For The Middlegame – Midgame Strategy
- When Chess Is Hard: 20 Chess Tips
- Target Audience: Under 1800 Rated Chess Players – You MUST KNOW These Tactical Chess Ideas!
- ChessDiagnosctic | Beginner to 2000 playlist
- NM Robert Ramirez | Pirc defense playlist
- Benjamin Bok
- James Canty III
- Botez
- ChessMood
- ChessGoals | Catalan playlist
- Volclus
- Bad Bishop Chess Channel
- michechess
- Garudapura
- GM Alex Colovic
HEADGEHOG (kan slette når set)
Bobby Fischer’s legendary hedgehog plan alive and kicking!
Relevante videoer skal tjekke/lære fra:
- AGAINST the London
- Classical System vs the English Opening! | Full Repertoire against 1.c4
- Dragon: This opening is simply unstoppable below 1700
English opening:
- ENGLISH OPENING | reversed sicilian
- Why does the English Opening in chess differ significantly from the Sicilian Defense, even though the English Opening is the reversed Sicilian?
- English Opening Versed Kan Sicilian Approach
- The English Opening: Lecture by GM Ben Finegold
- The English Opening – Chess Openings Explained
- Learn the English Opening in 15 Minutes
- 7 Best Chess Opening Traps in the English Opening
- A SIMPLE System To Beat The English Opening | Chess Vibes
- The Great Snake Chess Opening (English Defense Counter) | Chess Vibes
- Hanging Pawns playlist on the English
- Hambleton’s speed run on the English opening
- Punishing Common Mistakes in the English Opening | Erik Rosen
- Powerful Chess Opening TRAP for White | Reversed Sicilian (Tiger’s Trap)
- A25 English: Taimanov [White]
- English Opening – Reversed Dragon
- Chess | Reversed Accelerated Dragon
- Chess | Accelerated Dragon as White?
- English opening playlist. ChessBase India
- Chess Edge | Gain an edge by using the Accelerated Dragon as Black
- Seirawan vs. Korchnoi | Wijk aan Zee | The English – GM Yasser Seirawan
- The English | Responding to c4 – GM Yasser Seirawan
- Master Class | English: Reversed Sicilian | Grandmaster Naroditsky
Dragon + Accelerated dragon
- Understanding the Accelerated Dragon!! | Open Sicilian | GM Naroditsky’s
- Opening Defenses: Accelerated Dragon – GM Yasser Seirawan
Sicilian Kan
- Molton on Kan | Lichess study
- Molton: Mastering The Hedgehog Sicilian | Lichess study
- Learning the Sicilian Kan – Super-GM Games | Dojo Opening of the Week
- SICILIAN KAN TRICKERY | Chess Openings From BOTH SIDES: Part 1
- Use the Sicilian Kan to catch your opponents off guard!
- How to play the Sicilian Kan (Part I) | ChessBase India Coaching (Live)
- How to play the Sicilian Kan (Part 2) | 5.Bd3 and 6.c4| ChessBase India live coaching
- How to play the Sicilian Kan (Part III) | 5.c4 | ChessBase India Coaching (Live)
- The Power of the Sicilian Kan
- Use the Sicilian Kan to catch your opponents off guard!
- Destroy White Sicilian Kan Chess Opening A Complete Repertoire Against 1.e4: The Maroczy Bind Theory
- Advanced Guide to Sicilian Kan | Opening Repertoire for Black
- Sicilian Kan Hedgehog Overview
- Sicilian Kan IM Andrew Martin
- Nepomniachtchi – Firouzja | Early queen manuvering | Sicilian Kan
- WIN with the SICILIAN KAN ! | 2022 Opening Theory
- Sicilian Kan Opening Ideas from GM Ilya Smirin
- Sicilian Kan : How to win with Black (Part I)
- Play the Sicilian Kan : Part II against 5Nc3
- SICILIAN KAN TRICKERY | Chess Openings From BOTH SIDES: Part 1
- Sicilian Kan (Part 1)
- Sicilian Kan (Part 2)
- Omfattende lichess study for Sicilian Kan
- Mange GM games med Sicilian Kan
Jobava London
Et lichess study (måske baseret på hanging pawns)
10 Reasons to Play the Rapport-Jobava System in Your Next Game
Crushing Through the Kingside | Jobava London | GM Naroditsky
What is a Pillsbury Knight?? | Jobava London | GM Naroditsky
Breaking Through With The Jobava London! | GM Naroditsky
Basic of chess playlist (160+ videoer)
Important Endgames that People Mess Up | Eric Rosen
Prepare for oponents: her og her
OPENINGS (middle games most important)
Middlegame playlists: her, her og her.
Musik: Guitar arpeggios | Only scale, you need to learn |
Semi slav
Ben Finegold:
- The Slav Defense Lecture Series: Main Line dxc4
- Slav Defense Lecture Series – Exchange Variation
- Slav Defense Lecture Series:Bf5 Common Opening Mistake
- Slav Defense Lecture Series: a6 Chebanenko Variation
- Slav Defense Lecture Series; e5 Pawn Sacrifice
Hanging pawn:
Semi Slave, Jonathan Schrantz:
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 1: The Classical Meran (8…a6) | Chess Openings Explained
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 2: The Modern Meran (8…Bb7)
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 3: The Reynolds Attack
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 4: The Anti-Merans (7.b3 & 7.Bd3)
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 5: Shirov-Shabalov Gambit (7.g4)
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 6: Botvinnik Sidelines
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 7: Botvinnik (16. Rb1 Lines)
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 8: Botvinnik (16. Na4 Main Line)
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 9: Moscow Variation (5…h6)
- The Complete Semi-Slav Part 10: Anti-Moscow Variation (6.Bh4)
- QGD Semi-Slav Noteboom Variation – Chess Openings Explained
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 1- Attacking the fianchetto – Queen and bishop battery
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 2- Attacking the fianchetto – Two kinghts attack
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 3- Attacking the fianchetto – The battle for the h5 square
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 4 – Attacking the fianchetto – The rook h5 sacrifice
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 5 – Attacking the fianchetto – Exploiting the d6 weakness
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 6 – Pawn sacrifice in opposite side attack games
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 7 – The King decoy – Opening the H-file
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 8 – The rook lift attack
- Attacking themes in the middlegame -Part 9 – The rules and principles of the e5 attack
- Attacking themes in the middlegame – Part 10 – The Capablanca structure – Chess middlegame strategy
Understanding the Catalan Opening | ft. GM Srinath Narayanan
Catalan Opening | Chess Lesson # 124
Typical Ideas Behind Chess Openings – The Catalan Opening with IM Valeri Lilov
20 Ideas Every Catalan Player Must Know
Hanging Pawns:
- Introduction to the catalan
- Open Catalan with 5…b5
- Open Catalan with 5…Nbd7
- Open Catalan with 5…Be7
- Open Catalan with 5…c6
- Open Catalan with 5…Bd7
- Open Catalan with 5…c5
- Open Catalan with 5…Nc6
- Main Line Open Catalan with 5…a6
- Avoiding Open Catalan theory with 5…Qa4+
- The Catalan with 4…Bb4+ and the Open Catalan with 5…Bb4+
- The Closed Catalan · Variations, Plans, Ideas, Structures
London system
How to win with the London System | GothamChess
LINES i the London system:
- How to deal with the annoying Ba6
- Analyzing Andrea’s game (early …Qb6)
- How Hikaru SMASHED a GM’s London in 11 moves
- DESERT: Two rare and off-beat London lines
How To Kill The Benko Gambit. | GingerGM
The line that you NEED to know in the London System
London time (SURPRISE ENDING) | Eric Rosen
Lines against the London:
3 Secret Rare Lines to Beat the London System
Against London: Minh Le
- A repertoire for Black against the London System : The introduction and some nasty traps
- A repertoire for Black against the London System ( Part 2): Minor Lines
- A repertoire for Black against the London System ( Part 3): The tricky and complex line 3.d5
- Final part in the London Course: The Main Line 3.e3
Beat The London System! || Learn The Ultimate Defense
Beat Agadmator’s Anti-London System
The Anti-London Game Every Chess Player Should Know | Erik Rosen
Med timestamps for londonpartier:
Ny med Erik Rosen
Finally showing off my ANTI-LONDON PREP
London Opening Analysis
- Latest from Eric Rosen:
- Life is good with the LONDON
- London vs IM (DAH!)
- A pleasant Jobava London
- Tough London game
- London as Black gets sharp in time trouble
- Official the largest tournament ever! (Also a London)
- Really tired of Wiki questions (Also a London)
- Rough game vs London
- Another tough London
- From Eric Rosen:
- Double Berzerk London time
- Beating the London in 11 moves
- This London was going so well…
- Advice for improving 1400s (also a London)
- Boiling water for tea while playing the London
- Aggressive London setup against King’s Indian
- London gets out of hand
- “My body is awake but my eyes are tired” (London)
- London attack gets really weird
- “I’m going to play more aggressively than normal” (London)
- I was just drinking warm water, not tea (London)
- London but I’m low on time of course
- Med Eric Rosen (b).
- Jobava London
- Not your typical London Opening…
- Getting CRUSHED by a London Opening
- London Opening leads to confusing King Pawn Endgame
- Roller Coaster London
- London vs King’s Indian
- London vs Dutch
- London vs double fianchetto
- CRAZY Jobava London Battle vs GM Bortnyk
- Another London vs Dutch
- Med Eric Rosen (c).
- Med Eric Rosen (e).
- Med Eric Rosen (i).
- Med Eric Rosen (j) .
- Med Eric Rosen (k).
- Med Eric Rosen (l).
- Med Eric Rosen (m).
Eric Rosen:
- 31:50? SQUEEZING the London
- 39:59? ACCIDENTAL GAMBIT against the PIRC | også london
- 54:22? Copycat Variation, London edition
IMRosen vs IM krzyzan94 | London System
CM PchelkinVK vs IMRosen | Jobava London
IMRosen vs Bathory44 | London System
IMRosen vs IM renatoterrylujan | Bizarre London/Pirc
IMRosen vs FM Saitama_Hero London Barry Attack
Black vs jamesface (1631) Fighting the London System
London lessons. Eric Rosen.
How to Neutralise the London | GM Moulthun Ly
LONDON MATCH Eric Rosen vs IM Levy Rozman (Gotham Chess)
$100 London Match vs. Eric Rosen – PART 1
$100 London Match vs. Eric Rosen – PART 2
Nye, der skal tjekkes:
London Barry attach against Grunfeld:
Del 1 |
Del 2 |
- Jozarov: London System
- Intro
- Part 1 |
- Part 2 | against the Slav Defense – Bishop F5 Setup
- Part 3 | against the Slav Defense – Bishop G4 Setup
- Part 4 | vs Stonewall Dutch
- Part 5 | vs Stonewall Dutch – Bishop d6
- Part 6 | vs Leningrad Dutch
- Part 7 | vs Dutch Defense – Be7 Setup
- Part 8 | THE MIGHTY BARRY ATTACK!!! (b6 continuation)
- Part 9 | Barry Attack against the Grunfeld, King’s Indian or East Indian Defense
- Part 10 | Barry Attack against the Grunfeld or King’s Indian Defense – Nd7 Lines
- Part 11 | Barry Attack against the Grunfeld or King’s Indian Defense – Nfd7 Lines
- Part 12 | Barry Attack against the Grunfeld or King’s Indian Defense-Qe8/Re8 lines
- Part 13 | Watch Out For Your D5 Pawn!!! – The Common Tactics in The Barry Attack – London System – Part 13
- The Match That We Have Been Waiting For! – Fish vs Reptile – STOCKFISH NNUE VS KOMODO NNUE
- Magnus Goes For The Barry Attack – London System Theory
- The London System – Barry Attack against the Grunfeld or King’s Indian Defense- Early c5 lines
- The London System – Barry Attack against the Grunfeld or King’s Indian Defense – Early c5, Qb6 lines
- The London System -Barry Attack against the Grunfeld or King’s Indian Defense – Early c5, bxc5 lines
- Watch Out! The Common London System Traps!
- Master the London System – Early Bd6 Lines
- A Nail-Biting Armagedon!!! – Anish Giri vs Jorden van Foreest – TATA STEEL TOURNAMENT LAST GAME!!!!
- Master The London System With Jozarov – London System Against The Queen’s Indian Defense
- How would Magnus Carlsen handle Agadmator’s Anti-London System? – London System Theory – Early c5
- Master The London System! – Early c5 – Poisoned Pawn Variation
- 7 Out of 7!!! – My Nephew Ivan Wins The Garry Kasparov Foundation Online Tournament
- London System Madness! – Magnus Carlsen vs Wesley So (2017) – Queens Pawn Opening – London System
- London System Brilliancy!- Magnus Carlsen vs Viswanathan Anand 2017
- Attacking Like Karpov! – Alireza Firouzja vs David Anton Guijarro – Tata Steel Masters 2021 Round 3
- The Most Talented Chess Prodigy In the World!
- Theoretical Novelty In the LONDON SYSTEM by the World Champion!
- Sub Zero WINS!!!- Top Engine Alpha Sub Zero Destroys The Anti London System With The Vaganian Gambit
- Master The London System! – Early c5 – bxc4 continuation
- The World Champion’s Tutorial How To Play The London System! – London System Theory – Early c5
- Vaganian Gambit Perfection! – Alpha Sub Zero vs Rybka (Special Thanks to Corteum 9000)
- Vaganian Gambit Brutality !!!! – DRAGON vs RYBKA – London System, Early c5, e6 Continuation
- Crush The King’s Indian Defense With The London System!! – TRANSFORMATION into the 150 Attack!!!
- London System vs King’s Indian Defense – Early c6 lines
- The Dark Knight Rises! – Wesley So vs Vidit Gujrathi – New in Chess Classic 2021 – LONDON SYSTEM
- Walking into a SPIDER WEB! – Levon Aronian vs Magnus Carlsen – New in Chess Classic Semi-Finals
Watch Out For Your D5 Pawn!!! – The Common Tactics in The Barry Attack | Del af london system serie
50 tactics:
London traps: | 0,25 inde i videoen
London system tricks and traps
Against London sytem:
London system spil |
London system spil |
Interessante London system games: | 1:22 inde. Carlsen.
Open Catalan
with Bb4+: Hanging Pawns
- Hanging Pawns
- Part 1 | Rafael Leitao
- Part 2 | Rafael Leitao
- Part 3 | Rafael Leitao
- GM Huschenbeth
- Fra iChess
- 2 Attacking Games by Judit Polgar
- Erik Rosen. London + taimanov
- Mere fra Erik Rosen. London + taimanov
- Taimanov. Eric Rosen: Spil | Spil | Spil
- GM Annawel vs IMRosen | Taimanov Sicilian
- The most aggressive opening against 1.e4
- Black vs RelativeImpact (1495) Taimanov Sicilian
- I got SQUEEZED by a Grandmaster’s Positional Gambit
O’Kelly Sicilian. Lesson by Molton
Rosen spil: BEAUTIFUL Checkmating & Attacking Patterns
Sicilian defence
The Easiest Sicilian to Start Playing | GM Molton
Andre sicilian, der ligner Secilian Kan:
Calatan playlist | Hanging pawns:
Beat the Benoni Defense
Beat the Benoni Defense with the KINGSIDE Move Order – Part 1
Beat the Benoni Defense with the KINGSIDE Move Order – Part 2
Beat the Benoni Defense with the KINGSIDE Move Order – Part 3
Links til diverse:
London system opening:
Nimzo indian:
Dutch defence:
Pawn structure:
Lektioner om slutspil fra YouTube
Karen and Spencer. Silman’s endgame course:
- Lecture 1 | “The Staircase and The Box”, for U1000 rating
- Lecture 2 | Minor Piece vs King and Understanding the King
- Lecture 3 | Beyond Basic Opposition
- Lecture 4 | King and Pawn & Minor Piece Endgames
- Lecture 4b | Rook Endgames
- Lecture 5 | King and Pawn Endgames
- Lecture 5b | Minor Piece Endgame Two Bishops vs Lone King
- Lecture 6 |
- Lecture 7
- Lecture 7b
- Lecture 8
- Lecture 8b
- Lecture 8c
- Lecture 8d
- Lecture 8e
- Lecture 8f
End game | Ben finegold: